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Christian Outreach


A Letter from Devon Bartholomew, Chaplain

Hey alumni!


While preparing to attend ESF as an undergrad, I thought campus ministries existed solely to sustain students who were already Christians. What Christian Outreach taught me as a college student turned my world upside down. I learned that college students are often the beginnings of movements that impact thousands of people for Christ. I learned that discipleship means living life together. I learned that church is more than just a building, a time slot on Sunday mornings, or a leader. My college church met in lecture halls, dorms, on Ackerman, on Marshall St—and it sure met at crazy hours on any day of the week. I learned that young people aren’t just the future of the church, they are the church.


Since then, I’ve discovered that my fellow alumni are still my church, regardless of where we all moved after graduation. In light of this global church family, we hope you remain connected to Christian Outreach at SU and ESF!  You can continue to remember your roots as a student in collegiate church, reunite with old friends, and connect with the mission of Christian Outreach at SU, where we empower students to be the church wherever they go.


Devon Bartholomew

ESF '10

Chaplain at Syracuse University



Kate Bartholomew

SU '11

Campus Minister

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